CFOs have more cross-departmental contact than anyone else in an organization. Consequently, they know better than anyone the chaos that can happen without a How To Fight For the ERP System Your Organization Needs – Sam Gupta

Procurement professionals need to know three things when they start working in this industry: how to use their laptop, when to take breaks, and 4 Accounts Payable Basics You’re Forgetting

Finance departments are often viewed as the creaky cogs that slow down the business machine, thanks only to their obscure processes. But technology is Using Technology to Bridge the Gap Between Finance and Business – Darrell Cox

Managing the financial performance of a fast-moving startup or large corporation often means keeping investors happy. But doing the same job at a government Pushing Sustainability in Finance: Pamela Steer of Payments Canada

The general ledger has been a cornerstone of good accounting since the dawn of time. Prior to digitization, accountants would literally ‘keep the books’ General Ledger Accounting: What Is It and How Does It Affect Reporting?

If you haven’t already automated your accounts payable (AP) processes, you’re missing out. According to The Aberdeen Group, accounts payable automation translates to approximately 10 Reasons to Automate Your Accounts Payable Processes

Ever dream about which tech firms you’d invest in if you had a million dollars? Well, someone already has your fantasy job, and that Learning How to IPO With Softbank Vision Fund’s Navneet Govil

Intelligent procurement practices are vital to the success of any organization. They drive operational efficiencies, ensure spend accountability, and help to reduce overall costs.  Purchasing for Nonprofits: A Checklist

One of the most consistent problems faced by accounting teams is the loss of crucial accounting paperwork, right when it’s needed most. For many Accounting Paperwork 101: The Business Impact of Lost Documents

Where do we start?! Well, let’s start with a gracious thank you.  Thank you to for featuring us as one of the best Procurify Wins Remote Work Tech Startup of the Year (and Three Other Awards!)

We have written many articles on purchase orders, but one key term that continues to cause confusion and mixup is purchase requisitions. In this What is a Purchase Requisition and Why It Is Important for Your Business?

We surveyed a number of industry-leading CFOs and asked what digital tools they recommend for finance and operations teams to help them make accounting 20 Digital Tools for Finance and Operations Teams