Uncover everything about purchase orders: their purpose, content, and functionality. Learn the advantages of electronic systems, the comparison with invoices, contractual aspects, and how Procurify simplifies procurement. Decide if they’re right for your business.

According to Deloitte, marketing spend is expected to grow by 14 percent in 2021. For budget setters, this poses new challenges. Not only do Marketing Budgets 101: How to Accurately Track Your Department’s Spend

What do prepaid expense cards and company credit cards have in common? Absolutely nothing. Okay, we’re exaggerating to you a little bit. After all, Prepaid Expense Cards vs Company Credit Cards: What’s Better?

There’s often a lot of confusion that comes with accounts receivable vs accounts payable. While these two accounting practices are extremely similar, there are Accounts Receivable vs. Accounts Payable: Two Sides of the Same Coin

One benefit of working in tech (besides the relaxed dress code and the pool table in the lobby) is a company culture built around Leading a Remote Team With Shouvik Roy, CFO at Drop

In today’s current economic climate, the role of the CFO as a strategic partner is more important than ever. Finance leaders are no longer Webinar Recap: The Finance Leader’s Guide to Regaining Time

Determining your spend culture and knowing how to effectively manage financial operations is like determining your parenting style. Do you hover over every manager-vendor Managing Financial Operations in a Remote World: Wajdi Ghoussoub

Good CFOs know that numbers are just a fraction of their job. An important and under-appreciated element is managing people. Jenny Bloom has been CFO Lessons from Zapier and Mailchimp With Jenny Bloo‪m‬

Before the millennium, all-in-one ERP softwares were commonplace in fast-growing organizations. Teams could perform all back office functions from one place, without having to All-in-One ERP Software: Why It’s a Recipe for Disaster

Understanding the difference between procurement and supply chain management is crucial, as these terms are not interchangeable but they often get mixed up. Procurement The Difference Between Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Managing spending and approving company expenses is no easy task. From budget planning to reviewing expense reports, there’s a lot to do and often 8 Important Questions to Ask Before Approving Company Expenses

For women in finance and procurement, it can be a challenge to rise into leadership positions. Despite making up more than half of the Celebrating Women in Finance and Procurement