Employee expenses often fall into an area of finance that can escape us. Tracking them can be tedious and denying employee expense claims can Employee Expense Tracking Tips & Tricks

How many suppliers have approached you for price increases because of the massive currency fluctuations? While there may be a legitimate issue momentarily for some, it Is the Currency Roller Coaster Giving you Whiplash?

If the thought of moving to an e-procurement process gives you chills, you’re not alone. Many purchasing managers worry that e-procurement is too complicated Benefits of an E-Procurement Process

Discover the distinctions between competitive and non-competitive procurement processes. While competitive procurement promotes transparency and competition, non-competitive focuses on specific suppliers. Evaluate the pros and cons for your business.

(This interview was conducted in 2015. Damon Norris is currently Director of Member Services at Arizona Charter Schools Association.) Damon Norris used to be How Legacy Traditional School Transformed Their Purchasing Process

It’s the sort of thing that gives office managers and procurement experts nightmares: a procurement issue has ballooned and is now costing the company 5 Procurement Nightmares You Can Avoid

As supply chains start to look more like tangled webs with many suppliers, requester, and shipping partners, cloud-based solutions will be the solution of Cloud Computing and Supply Chain Management

Over the past 15 years the frontier of a global economy has broadened extensively thanks to the Internet. And now more than ever, procurement Is the Future of Procurement Cloud Technology?

Interview and insights with Nickie Morrison, purchasing manager for IFN Modern IFN Modern is a popular online furniture store that specializes in selling mid-century modern Supply Chain and Product Sourcing for Furniture Purchasing

The topic of supply chain management (and the creation of a coherent set of best practices therein) can be a source of stress. That’s A Brief History of Modern Supply Chain Management and Best Practices

The concept of international purchasing management, in my (humble!) opinion, is a bit of a misnomer. Yes, large, multinational firms (and some medium-sized ones International Purchasing Management

Charter schools have seen explosive growth in the U.S., but what are they and how do they differ from other types of schools? Let’s Charter School Growth & the Case for e-Procurement