For those of us that watch/analyze/critique the procurement world on a regular basis, it is easy to get caught up in the freshest, trendiest The Importance of Purchase Orders

Expenses (sadly!) are an unavoidable aspect of business. Lunches…airplane tickets…hotels…rental cars…these things add up. And it all must be accounted for. Enter expense reporting A Quick Introduction to Expense Reporting Software

There is nothing both the technology and procurement worlds love better than a new, shiny buzzword. That penchant for the trendy, I should say, Procurement SaaS: a Buzzword Explained

So…you’re in charge of the purchasing at your firm. You might be a purchaser, general manager, procurement officer or, in some cases, the owner An Introduction to Purchasing Best Practices

Supply chains should add value to society: the path to social procurement The true cost of producing and consuming energy has not been fully Supply Chains Should Add Value to Society

Organizations, both small and large, have to manage contracts. But this responsibility, while critical, is easier said than done. At any given time, a What Is Contract Lifecycle Management?

Dive into the concept of enhanced procurement management, which emphasizes a holistic view of the supply chain, from contracts to sustainability. Discover how businesses are adapting and the key questions to ask for effective procurement.

The concept of “best practices” – regardless of industry – is a fluid one. The methods and practices that work during one period may A Quick Look at New Procurement Best Practices

A critical component of any successful procurement department is a solid, well-designed and well-communicated procurement approval system. Yes, an organization’s procurement function must ensure Why You Need a Procurement Approval System

Increasing revenue, however desirable, isn’t always in the cards. Sales teams hit slumps. And marketing departments, despite their best efforts, sometimes attract less-than-fantastic leads. Reducing Direct and Indirect Purchasing Costs

Explore the intricacies of the 2023 procurement process, from identifying needs to finalizing purchases. Enhance your strategy with a focus on efficiency, digital solutions, and sustainable practices in procurement.

Procurement, not unlike other operational divisions in business, is in a constant state of progression and evolution. What’s more, good procurement leads to smarter 3 Procurement Procedures to Implement for Smarter Purchasing