“Here’s what happens: the invoice arrives. And we have no context for it. Legal hasn’t approved this; Finance hasn’t approved this; IT Security hasn’t How Manual Processes Undermine Compliance and Internal Controls

There is often an underlying assumption that the accountancy department in any business has a complete picture of everything occurring at shop floor level. Why Finance Can’t Afford To Wait For Invoices

“I believe that a strong culture is critical to companies that hope to scale…a winning company culture emerges when every employee feels they personally own the culture.” — What Your Startup’s Spend Culture Says About its Workplace Culture

In the height of the early 2000s telecommunications boom, Reza Hagel joined Sony & Ericsson during their joint-venture and started as BU Data analyst What You Need to Know Before Becoming a CPO

The Month-end process has begun; for the next few days, your team grinds it out to ensure that the books are clean and all Spreadsheets Are Forcing Your Accountants To Work Overtime. Here’s Why.

Cash-based accounting is a logical way for most companies to begin their accounting lives. But many choose to switch to accrual-based accounts as their How to Make the Move from Cash to Accrual-Based Accounting

Dive into procurement’s category management: its definition, significance, and process. Discover how it optimizes spend, manages risks, and boosts efficiency.

At the very least, we would all agree that invoice approvals are approvals that are obtained after the fact. In other words, these approvals Invoice Approvals vs Purchase Approvals: Why They’re Not The Same

Kinetic Sports Rehab was founded in Seattle, fall of 2010. They found that the industry is focused on getting patients out of pain as fast Kinetic Sports Rehab: How They Transformed Their Spend Culture

Expense management is not the same as spend management With businesses increasingly recognizing the importance of employee-driven initiatives, the need to incur indirect costs Spend Management vs Expense Management: Is There a Difference?

Most people who have anything to do with business and commerce know what an invoice is. It’s the document that itemizes a commercial transaction Everything You Need To Know About Invoices

What is an ERP?  What the brain does for the body, the ERP (or ERP software — we can use any of these terms) does for an organization. Every part Everything You Need To Know About ERPs: A Ready Reckoner