Let’s jog our memory to General Electric’s golden days — that period of radical transformation when it went from being a power company into Company Culture Matters, but So Does the Person You Work For

Before getting to the why and the how, let’s start from the very beginning: In 1991, Jeff Bezos was burning the candle at both Return on Failure: Why Jeff Bezos Doesn’t Believe in Profit

The global procurement software market is expected to rake in revenue of about $5.14 billion in 2017. So, should you opt to use a What Are The Pros and Cons of E-Procurement?

Within Operations Management, Purchasing is one of the most ignored and least-understood areas. Because of these factors, Purchasing is a challenge for most companies The Definitive Guide To Organizing Your Company’s Purchasing Process

2 May 2017 was CEO Chad Dickerson’s last day at Etsy. The multi-billion dollar internet marketplace is often referred to as the Amazon of Spend Visibility: What Is It and Why It Matters

If you are curious to find out what a non-PO or Non Purchase Order is, you are probably already familiar with its opposite — What is a Non-PO (Non Purchase Order)?

“How long would it take me to become the CFO?” is a question that many analysts, controllers and accountants are bound to ask. There’s The Guide to Becoming a CFO Before Turning 30 — from the Three Guys who did

“We spent $200M in the past 2 years. $200M!…We spent 2/3 of the cash… Holy shit this is a big deal.” — Jason Goldberg, Every Third Startup Fails Because of This Problem

This is a detailed look at the intricacies of procurement payment terms.

Consider the three-way match; it’s an accounting term, and, as is the case with most every word in the glossary of Finance and Accounting terms, How Fake Invoices Cost Citi $400 Million

Quite a few things can go wrong. However, if you and your supplier agree on what action should be taken in such situations, the Purchase Order: How To Not Get Sued & All Other Legal Concerns

Why does Procurement Fraud Occur? Procurement fraud can cost your organization huge amounts of money, time, and other important resources. Fraud occurs for a What is Procurement Fraud?