Auditing is the process of reviewing an organization’s financial records to decide if they are accurate and align with regulations, state laws, and accounting How Universities and Charter Schools Prepare for Audits

Being a startup founder, it’s easy to focus on the wins. Everything from successfully securing a seed round to a growing a loyal customer Here’s Why You Might Not Be Ready for Your Next Investment Round

In late 2017, Tesla’s market cap surpassed that of Ford and General Motors. Tesla’s dramatic rise was in large part because of its mission to Here’s How Gotion Found a Spend Culture to Support its Mission

Order management is simply the process of efficiently tracking and fulfilling sales orders. It includes the cycle of people, processes, and suppliers to create All You Need to Know About Order Management And How to Speed Up Your Procurement Timeline

Effective and efficient budget management is the cornerstone of a successful business operation. It is close to personal financial management but more complicated due A New Leader’s Guide to Efficient Budget Management

In 2013, Damon Norris — a seasoned business leader who worked at a string of Fortune 500 companies — made a decision that took A Nestle Procurement Veteran Is Changing Charter Schools

In the course of official company assignments, employees may incur some expenses that must be charged to the company’s account. However, although these decisions How to Implement an Expense Management Process to Save Costs and Prevent Overspending

A key stakeholder in any successful business is the vendors they work with, which takes a lot of care and consideration to make sure How to Create an Effective Vendor Management Process

If there’s anything that has, in recent times, dominated the financial news agenda as much as the rise of cryptocurrencies, it’s probably marijuana. Day Cannabis Inc Has Problems But They Aren’t What You Think

If there’s one thing CFOs always seem worried about, it’s their organization’s ability to manage cash flow. Most companies try to make the most What is Invoice Processing and Why Does It Matter?

What is Cash Flow? The term “cash flow” refers to the net amount of cash or cash-equivalents (such as checks, coins, or liquid investments) All You Need to Know About Cash Flow

In the middle of The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan’s even darker, grittier take on the anti-hero, an accountant from Wayne Enterprises answers the question What Batman Can Teach You About Unhealthy Spend Culture